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Daftar Radio Online (Streaming Radio) di Indonesia.
Bosen dengan playlistmu yang gitu gitu ? Coba aja streaming radio.
Ternyata banyak station radio di Indonesia yang merambah dunia maya (internet radio). Banyak diantara mereka yang menggunakan fasilitas streaming. Berikut daftar-daftar url streaming radio yang bisa didengarkan lewat internet. Selain bisa didengarkan melalui melalui webcast, ada juga yang bisa didengarkan melalui winamp, i-tunes ataupun win media player. Untuk yang bisa diputar di winamp bisa langsung klik urlnya atau copy url dan add url di playlist. Yang lainnya silakan kunjungi web masing-masing. Untuk beberapa station radio mengharuskan anda mengistal real player untuk bisa mendengarkan secara streaming.
Oiya,untuk memudahkan kita dalam mendengarkan,jangan lupa untuk di save urlnya. Atau yg pakai winamp bisa di save dalam format .m3u
Silakan dicoba
| winamp |
| winamp |
| real player |
| i-tunes |
|webcast |
|winamp |
| wm player | mms://
- Kiss FM - 105 FM | Medan
| webcast |
- Voice of Human Rights (VHR) - Menyuarakan Hak Asasi Manusia, Hukum dan demokrasi
- RRI - Radio Republik Indonesia
- Hang106 - Radio Dakwah Sunnah | Batam
| winamp |
- PutraFM - Online jam 10:00-24:00 WIB (Senin-Jum'at)
| Real player |
|winamp |
- Al-Barokah - Radio Tarbiyah
- Smart FM - The Spirit of Indonesia
| winamp |
- My Quran - Komunitas Muslim Indinesia
- CVC - Online Music, Shortwave Radio, Streaming Media
- Hard Rock FM - Lifestyle Entertainment Station
Jakarta : mms://
Surabaya : mms://
- Elshinta - News and Talk
- Geronimo - 106.1 FM Radionya Jogja
- Redjo Buntung - Radio Jogja
| webcast |
- spinRADIO - A new concept of internet radio
- Radio Rodja - Saluran Tilawah dan Kajian Islam
- Cosmopolitan FM - your personal station
- IndoSound - Indonesian Internet Radio
| win Media Player |
| winamp |
| win Media Player | mms://
| winamp |
- MG FM Ciamis - The power mix music station
| Winamp |
- EdutainmentRadio - Cyber Education and Entertainment
- MustangFm - The Rhythm Of The City
- Elitra FM - Jogja's Spirit
- Swaragama FM - The Soundtrack of Your Life
| Webcast |
- DJ FM - The Ultimate Youngster Radio
- Star FM - The Real Music
| win media player | mms://
- Triangle Voice Radio - The Best Indonesia Streaming Radio, Nonstop 24 hours a day
| win media player | icyx://
| winamp |
- Radio Sonora Surabaya - The Art of Information and Music Taste
- JJ FM - The Radio for the Business Poeple
| win media player |
| winamp |
- MQFM.NET - Media bening hati (Bandung2) (Lampung)
- PrimaFM - Banda Aceh
- PAS FM - Radio Bisnis
| winamp |
- Pop FM Jakarta
- Labschool Radio Online - Online Radio Music Station | Riau
- Poenix 91.00 FM - The Hottest Radio station | Bali
- Pronews 90 FM - The Smart News Radio | Padang
| win media player |
| winamp |
- Dakta 107 FM - Bijak, Cerdas | Bekasi
- Radio Pelita Kasih 96.30 | Jakarta
- aLFa FM - Radio Pemuda Islam | Bandung
| winamp |
- Gajahmada FM - Radionya Orang Semarang | Semarang
- Jogja Streamers - The new way of listening to the radio
- JJM Suara samudera - Radio mabes TNI AL | Jakarta
- Lite FM - The Best Slow Hits Station | Jakarta
- Radio Mitra - All About Familly | Kota Batu
- Warna FM - Station Penuh Warna | Tasikmalaya
| real player |
- Swara Unib - Keep Spirit of Edication | Bengkulu
| winamp |
- Makobu FM - The Fresh Channel | Malang
| win media player | mms://
- Radio Swadesi (Swara Desa Indonesia) - Radio Ndeso | Jogjakarta
| winamp |
- MTA FM - Radio dakwah | Surakarta
- Mujahidin FM - Radio Dakwah Anda | Pontianak
- Best FM - The Spirit of Exellent | Medan
- KeiLove - Radio Bernuansa Cinta | Tasikmalaya
- Mustaqbal FM - Radio Dakwah dan Pendidikan | Bekasi
- 98.7 Gen FM - Suara Musik Indonesia
| winamp |
- Trijaya FM - The Real Radio Network | Jogjakarta
| win media player |
- BSP Radio | Pekalongan
- RadioJawa | Jakarta
- Radio Al-Bahjah - Radio Dakwah Islam | Cirebon
- Radio Kencana FM - Memotovasi dan Menginspirasi | Malang
| winamp |
*Daftar Radio di atas sewaktu-waktu bisa berubah.
*Jika tidak berhasil dg url di atas,silakan coba dg mengunjungi web masing2 station radio.
*Sebagian radio berformat .aac. Jika pengen suaranya lebih bagus download juga AAC winamp plugin di sini (dan rasakan bedanya!).
Bingung dengan daftar diatas? Mungkin akan lebih rapi jika dilihat dalam format .xls. Bagi yang berkenan silakan download di sini atau di sini.
Open Your Photographs With Adobe Photoshop
Photos are regarded to be priceless by huge numbers of people and they assist as a extraordinary way to maintain a number of memories, in addition, they have in this sentimental worth especially when the picture is clearly old. For instance, if you have a photo of your grandma and grandfather together, you have to think about the problem is that it will begin to wear out sooner or later and it might even fade in time. Also, elements can destroy the images, such as moisture and even sunlight but Adobe Photoshop can resolve this issue. There may even be some evidence of weeping on the photo and getting it restored by an expert can cost you a lot of money, and you have to consider the fact that you are not in truth certain about the quality of the refurbishment procedure.
If you intend to reconstruct old exposures that you believe to be priceless, then there is a method where you can do so on your own. With an electronic scanner and photo editing computer software, you can make the picture looks as if it was captured and processed yesterday. Adobe Photoshop is regarded to be one of the leading computer software programs that enables you to edit photographs. The initial step in editing old photographs is by turning them in to electronic format ,and to do this you have to scan the picture and store it to your personal computer, then open the photograph with Adobe Photoshop.
Then after you have opened the image with the photo editing computer software, the next step is to begin manipulating it. Ensure that you create a copy of the original picture in order for you to start over if you produce a mistake. To block out a torn part of the photograph, you can merely apply the blur facility so in most instances, the smudge facility is what you will be utilizing. This specific tool will be able to wipe out flaws on the photograph, such as wet spots, and sunlight damage, but it can in addition fill out torn parts on the photo and even better the overall look of the photograph. You can as well adjust the brightness of the photograph if you think it is too dark, adjust the contrast to make the picture more crisp with the sharpening tool serving to make the photograph clearer.
Of course these are just a few of the many tools that you might need to apply when restoring old pictures, and as you can observe, it is very simple to do when you have Adobe Photoshop. In fact, with this photo manipulation software, you can even improve the overall quality of the photograph by taking out any imperfections in the original photograph. If you are good enough, you could even make a monochrome picture, a colored picture just by employing the tools provided in Adobe Photoshop.
There are many great things that you will be in a position to carry out with this program. Mending old photographs aren’t the only application for Adobe Photoshop, because you will also be able to manipulate your photographs by removing unsuitable objects in the image, such as a trash bin or a plastic bag lying in the middle of wonderful scenery - it is actually up to you!
by: Paul Abbey
8 Tips For Securing Your Home Computer
Security is something that everyone has to stay up with nowadays with all the credit card fraud and identity fraud in the news. There are many things that you can do to help keep your computer and your self safe. Follow these 8 steps and you will be better protected against security threats.
Turn off unnecessary processes
There are alot of programs that run in the background of your computer and some of those programs open up ports that can allow a hacker into your computer. By shutting down these programs that are most of the time unnecessary we can eliminate the amount of ports we have open on a computer.
Install Anti-Virus and Anti-Malware
This one is an absolute necessity for anyone who has a computer that is connected to the internet. An up to date anti-virus anti-malware program can be bought just about anywhere including online. One popular option is Symantec which has a full featured program to cover everything. Some other third party software also works well. Adware Bot and Spy No More - Anti Spyware
Turn on Windows Firewall or install a personal firewall
As was mentioned in tip number 1 we have ports open on our computer that can possibly allow a hacker in. Windows firewall (which comes free with windows) can block these types of ports. You can also purchase a third party firewall program that will help block these ports. There are many third party companies that provide excellent firewall programs. Firewall Gold
Have a router between you and the internet
Some ISP (internet service providers) such as cable allow you to plug into their modem and it gives your computer a public IP address. By installing a router between your ISP modem and your computer you can not only share your internet connection but you are also protecting yourself by not publishing your IP address to the internet.
A simple router is pretty inexpensive depending on the features that you get with it like wireless. Places like Best Buy and Global Computers have these routers.
Disable the computer guest account
The guest account for windows XP Professional is disabled by default but it is always a good idea to check and make sure.
Keep computer up to date with the latest Windows updates and anti-virus definition updates.
Windows workstations need to be constantly update in order to keep them secure. You can go to Windows Updates and get free Microsoft Windows updates.
Virus definition updates need to be purchased from the company
Backup important data
Backuping up data is not really a security item to keep your computer secure but more to keep you secure. Should your computer happen to be hacked or just crash if your data is backed up you will not lose your data.
Only download and install trusted software
One of the most common ways computers get viruses and malware is from software downloaded off of the internet. Certain programs downloaded from unknown sources contain viruses embedded within the program.
The best way to protect yourself against this is to not download software unless it is from a site that is totally trusted.
By following these eight steps you can significantly decrease your risk at being hacked or infected by a virus. The most important thing is to use common sense and you will stay protected.
By : Mike Walton
Free Emails - The Good, The Bad and the Ugly
Email, everyone's dream and everyone's curse. If you have anything to do with any business, then you will need an email account. If you have anything to do with an internet business you will need a bucket full of email accounts. What should you use? How do you manage them? And how do you protect yourself?
First let's look at the available email providers and what's on offer.
If you have an internet service provider then they probably supplied you with an email account. If you have your own domain and web site then your hosting company will supply you with email addresses and there are free email accounts available from any number of third party suppliers.
Just to briefly explain email types. The simplest email tools are web based. Hotmail is prime example of this. Unfortunately they tend to have limitations. As they are free, they usually have limited storage space and limited functionality.
I have reviewed literally dozens of free email accounts and it is clear that you will either get very little storage or if the storage is good you will not get POP3. POP3 is a protocol that allows you to use a mail applications like Outlook, Outlook Express or Windows Mail. The big advantage of using a mail application is that you can manage any number of email accounts from a single point. So in the mad world of internet business you can handle all the accounts you need.
As I said, if the free emails have no POP3 you can't do this and if you use the emails with POP3 you will have too little storage. If you want to stick with free email accounts, and you absolutely should for a lot of internet activity, then there is an alternative solution.
There are three providers that keep their heads above the others, Hotmail, Google and Yahoo but both Yahoo and Hotmail require additional payments for POP3 support and other enhancements like forwarding and auto-response.
Forwarding is where an email coming into your account is automatically forwarded to another account. Auto-response is where your email application automatically sends a return email to an incoming email.
Another big issue is that the SPAM filtering, now so important in an email package, can actually block required emails. A prime example of this is when you sign up for almost anything these days you will get a message back (an auto response) asking you to click on a link to confirm your email address. Many of the less well funded free emails have poor SPAM filters and you will start loosing important emails.
The solution is to use Google mail (Gmail). It has all the advantages you need.
1. It's Free
2. Unlimited storage
3. Good spam protection that won't block the mails you need.
4. Auto-responder built in
5. Forwarding built in
6. POP3 availability
7. Googles stunning search technology to find emails in your account.
You simply use either your existing POP3 email account as your master account or create a Google mail account and use that with your choice of POP3 mail application. This will give you off-line ability to read your mails. You can even use the web based version of Google Mail as you master account as it has unlimited storage and search facilities - but no ability to read mails off-line.
Now every time you need to sign up or give an email address online you can create a new Gmail account and set up the forwarding to your master account. This will keep any related incoming messages neatly back to one account. If you need to close that account due to an excess of unwanted mail or any other reason you simply remove the forwarding to the master account and you are clean. You can even use the Gmail accounts in your web sites for visitors to contact you. You can set up an auto-response i.e. "thanks for your request I will get back to you within 24hrs" . You then set up forwarding to your master account to manage the incoming mails.
By : Tony Marriott
Rabu Dinihari, 15 April 01.30 WIB
Rabu Dinihari, 15 April 03.45 WIB
Kamis Dinihari, 16 April 01.30 WIB
Kamis Dinihari, 16 April 03.45 WIB
Rabu Dinihari, 8 April 01.30 WIB
Rabu Dinihari, 8 April 03.45 WIB
Kamis Dinihari, 9 April 01.30 WIB
Kamis Dinihari, 9 April 03.45 WIB